5D emotional ultrasound scan
Among all the illusions, doubts, and nerves we hold during pregnancy, one of the sensations that future parents experience the most is the impatience to see the baby’s face.
Ultrasound scans, in general, provide essential information about the health of the fetus, but they are also one of the best moments for the parents, because they get to see their little one, hear their heartbeat, etc. despite being done in a medical and aseptic environment.
Natalbel’s 5D emotional ultrasound, on the other hand, is a moment of pause and enjoyment, in which the future parents strengthen the bond with the baby and become physically and psychologically aware of reality. We offer mothers the latest ultrasound technology that allows them to see the baby’s face with great definition in a warm and relaxed environment in which parents can enjoy and share with family one of the most exciting moments of pregnancy.

What is Natalbel’s 5D emotional ultrasound? This experience takes place in a warm environment, specially prepared to welcome all the emotions that putting a face to the future member of the family brings up. During the session, parents and family members accompanying the couple will be able to enjoy the live image of the baby on a large screen, in which all the details and movements of them are appreciated.
At this stage of the process and with the right tools and professionals, it is possible to appreciate details such as the baby’s gender, their movements and their perfectly formed face. They are seen laughing, crying, making all kinds of faces and even, sometimes, we can see them pee. and they touch their ears, grab the cord and bring it to their mouth, they can touch their feet, etc.
Natalbel’s 5D emotional ultrasound is performed by health professionals, experts in pregnancy, so you can ask your questions and concerns during the session.
First contact
First contact becomes physical and corporal awareness of the life that is growing inside the mother, as well as reinforcing the bond with the baby.
Exciting experience
Natalbel’s 5D emotional ultrasound is the greatest experience of seeing your baby for the first time, in a relaxed environment where you can enjoy the moment with all 5 senses.
Natalbel’s team of professionals is also there to help future parents to sort all kinds of doubts regarding pregnancy and motherhood.
How can we help you?
If you want more information about Natalbel and discover everything we can do for you, do not hesitate to contact us through this form. We will be happy to help you.