Natural induction of labour with acupressure and
At Natalbel, following the recommendations of the World Health Organization, we encourage women to have a pregnancy and delivery as natural as possible, humanizing the processes and keeping the mother away from medicalization and unnecessary interventions, preserving the rights of mother and baby.
Induction to labour occurs, always under medical recommendation and supervision, when it is considered that the birth of the baby and the end of the pregnancy implies a better result in the health of the child and the mother. The most common reasons for inducing labour are the prolongation of the pregnancy beyond the date or other unfavourable complications for the health of the mother and the baby.

Acid pressure is presented as an alternative technique to medical inductions, which often cause side effects. It consists of applying pressure with the thumbs to specific points on the body to trigger labour when the mother’s body and the baby are ready. With the stimulation of these specific points, the softening and dilation of the cervix will take place, as well as fetal movements that will guide it towards its fitting in the maternal pelvis.
These points are similar to those that are pricked with needles in acupuncture, and some of them, in addition to causing a natural stimulus that favours the onset of labour, are also useful for relieving the pain of contractions.
Induction to natural labour, without drugs and side effects
These traditional Chinese medicine alternatives are drug-free, natural and healthy for the fetus.
Helps dilation of the cervix
Stimulation through acupuncture favours dilation at the time of giving birth, shortening labour and facilitating the expulsion of the baby.
Fits the baby in the pelvis for a safe delivery
The baby not being in a good position for delivery is one of the main reasons for cesarean section. Moxibustion helps position the fetus for safe and natural delivery.
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