Mindfulness is known as mindfulness or mindfulness. Being intentionally attentive to what we are doing, without judging, clinging to, or rejecting the experience in any way.
This technique allows you to recognize what is happening while it is happening, positively accepting the course of the experience as it is happening. Relaxation is one of its strengths, as it channels your emotions, eliminating frustration and anxiety.
It is the best way to connect with the present. Even if we experience something unpleasant in our day, we can save ourselves the suffering of trying to make it go away. Much more attention is paid to thoughts, emotions, body sensations and what is around you. Always without judging without are adequate or not. Our attention is focused on what we perceive, without worrying about the problems, causes and consequences. Without looking for solutions
As a result, we will enhance our creativity, since we will have to find the answers that best suit what is happening.

Other benefits of the practice are the improvement in general well-being, the increase of self-awareness and the recovery of our internal balance.
It allows us to consciously work with our stress, pain, illness, loss, or whatever challenges we face. Mindfulness has been shown in various studies to be more effective compared to the results obtained in other techniques such as psychoeducation, relaxation, imagination or cognitive-behavioural therapies.
This technique is indicated in a very positive way as a support for the treatment of different types of diseases. Like for example, fibromyalgia.
We recover our internal balance, connecting more deeply, our mind, body and spirit. Thanks to this, we will live a fuller, more alive life. Leaving behind a life of worries, of what is happening or has happened.
You will gain above all peace of mind. Since it channels your emotions, eliminating frustration and anxiety.
You achieve general well-being, increased self-awareness and the recovery of your internal balance.
We reduce the stress and anxiety produced by our insecurities. You will win especially in physical health.
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