Physiotherapy for pregnant women
The body of the woman undergoes many changes during the nine months of gestation since the entire visceral system of the woman must adapt to give space to the future baby and their development.
All these changes produce certain discomfort in the musculoskeletal system of women, such as the classic low back pain and sciatica.
We should consider that something: it is not necessary to have to endure the pain, and therefore, physiotherapy and osteopathy become an almost essential element during the months of pregnancy.

Natalbel has a team of professional physiotherapists specializing in pregnancy, who work intending to make the entire process of pregnancy and childbirth as bearable and fluid as possible, preventing all these aches and pains.
In these consultations, recommendations are also given to improve women posture and to teach them exercises that avoid the appearance of pain, as well as to treat possible inadequate compensations of the muscles and joints caused by the change in the mother’s centre of gravity and overload of the back from the overweight.
The main purpose of exercise during pregnancy is to Facilitate natural childbirth and rapid
postpartum recovery
Physiotherapy helps to strengthen and give flexibility to all muscles, a fact that is beneficial at the time of giving birth and in the subsequent recovery.
Decrease in circulatory and muscular problems
Pregnancy does not have to be painful and uncomfortable, and physiotherapy is of great help for the well-being of the woman during the months of pregnancy.
Improved breathing control and posture
Physical therapy help a woman to treat and avoid muscle aches and to learn to control her breathing for the time of delivery.
How can we help you?
If you want more information about Natalbel and discover everything we can do for you, do not hesitate to contact us through this form. We will be happy to help you.